It's opening day at Kauffman Stadium!! As much as I love the start of football season, there's something very refreshing about the start of baseball season that makes me love it even more! Spring, summer, warm weather, tailgating, ballpark hot dogs. Seriously, what's better?! I also love the background sound of baseball games on t.v. each night. Love, love, love! I'm rocking my Royals shirt today and can't wait for the first glimpse of Kauffman {on t.v., of course} today at 3:10. Let's go Royals!
Brantley wore his Royals gear, too. On Monday--for the season opener in Detroit--and again today for the home opener. (I promise I did laundry between then and now!) And somehow, when I asked him what was on his shirt this morning, he proudly responded with "Royals"! Smart kid...
I ordered these super cute personalized Easter basket liners for my boys earlier today! They are from Pottery Barn Kids and a little pricey, but I don't splurge all that often. And I plan to use them until my boys are too old for the Easter Bunny....which is really, like, when they go to college. So $20 divided by 18 years equals practically nothing, right? :) I did save a few dollars by purchasing the wicker Easter baskets at Target. Keeping my fingers crossed that the liners fit appropriately!
Social Suppers. I've blogged about it before, but it's been a long while since I've attended. One of my goals for this weekend is to prepare a few freezer meals for when Baby arrives. Though I like cooking and plan to make some from scratch, I also love the idea of Social Suppers. Sign up, select your meals, and attend/make the meals (five to six in about an hour's time). Leave the grocery shopping and clean up to the Social Suppers employees. :) It also allows for variety and a change in what I typically make. I totally recommend it to local friends, especially in preparation for an upcoming birth. On my meal list for tomorrow: Crispy Almond Chicken Tenders, Loaded Mac & Cheese, Spinach Artichoke Calzones, Summit Omelet, and Whitefish with Lemon Vinaigrette.
I think it's safe to assume that Spring is officially {finally} here! Today isn't so nice with a high of only 52, but we've had plenty of 60 and 70 degree, sunny days as of late. Lots of rain this week, but no complaints {yet} because the grass has turned a nice shade of green!
We finished swim lessons this past Wednesday. In the end, we weren't overly impressed by the sessions (or the teacher), but Brantley is only 20 months old and the cost was only $35, so we didn't expect much! I will say, he was more comfortable jumping in and floating on his back by night four and the weekly lessons made for a fun family activity, so all in all, we're glad we signed up! The lessons also gave me an excuse to snap some seriously cute pics of my little dude in his swim trunks.
These came in the mail last week. First shipment for Baby #2!
Two more weeks of school. 10 days and counting. Two weeks from today will be a Good Friday, for sure!
Happy Friday, everyone!

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