We rang in the new year just as we did the year prior with a NYE party at our house. It's always a good time with great friends! Sarah turned the big 2-8 and celebrated with a sushi dinner date and a spa gift card from the hubs. We hit up Snow Creek for a day of tubing with friends and headed to O'Malley's (the cave bar) for a few beers afterwards! Sarah also enjoyed the first few of SIX(!) snow days in January!
More snow days for Sarah as we were hit with the "Blizzard of Oz"! We hosted a mini Super Bowl party and my family visited while my cousin, Nathan, wrestled in a tournament at Mill Valley.
With March came some slightly warmer weather and our Spring Break trip to San Francisco! We almost didn't get to go because of Craig's weird eye infection. Remember that? Yikes!
April brought some very summer-like weather and the return of baseball season (two Royals games for us)! Craig also ran in his first half-marathon in years (with little to no training) and finished in under two hours. Other highlights include our first trip to the Farmer's Market this season, a new grill, a picnic at Blackbob Island, Easter in Wichita, and trip to Iowa for my cousin Beth's bridal shower.
We participated once again in Crawl for Cancer and had a blast "curing cancer". More Royals games and Memorial Day boating with our friends Josh and Rachel (and their 3-month old Brayden). Sarah also started classes for her master's degree at Baker University! And who can forget the scary severe weather we had? Counties all over the KC area were placed in a tornado warning during the school/work day! It definitely made for an interesting day at work for both of us!
Sarah taught morning summer school once again. Our Wichita friends Brandon and Jessica came to KC for the Ray LaMontagne concert at Starlight. Trisha and Justin also came to visit for a few days and we took them boating, to the Legends, and to the hottest baseball (T-Bones) game of our lives! We planned a huge Royals/Cubs tailgate with nearly everyone we knew and had a blast. And, of course, June 29 was the day we headed out for Hawaii!
July was a crazy-busy month--all five weekends were filled! We enjoyed our Hawaiian vacay by attending Sarah & JC's wedding and spending 2 nights on Oahu and 5 nights on Maui. It was the best vacation ever and the most beautiful place I've ever seen. (Speaking of...I've spent the last few days finishing my Hawaiian posts...just five months late...you can find them here, here, and here.) We returned from Hawaii just in time to celebrate our 1-year wedding anniversary with a couples massage and dinner at La Bodega. The following weekend, we headed to Greenville, SC to visit my cousin, Brad. Then, Sarah spent a weekend in Herman, MO celebrating her friend Erica's 30th birthday. And finally, we headed to Cedar Falls, IA for my cousin Beth's wedding to her longtime boyfriend, Gene. All the while, Sarah continued classes for her master's! Whew! One last thing--we started trying for the future Baby Sides! ;)
Sarah began her 5th year of teaching, but decided to give up coaching dance this year. She enjoyed her free time by being extra organized at school (in preparation for a possible maternity leave next year!). We made our annual Labor Day trip to Iowa for the (rainy/stormy) Hawkeye home opener. And after a break from home remodeling projects, we got granite countertops, new backsplash, and a new sink in our kitchen. Our sweet doggy, Kinnick, also turned 3. :)
September was pretty low key. Craig celebrated his 33rd birthday, we attended a Jayhawk football game, and Sarah had a blast at the Taylor Swift concert with friends.
Craig ran another half-marathon (and beat his earlier time) and we planned a big Chiefs tailgate. Craig also started the remodel of our upstairs/guest bathroom. But the best part of October? Learning we were going to be parents!!!!
NYC was the last of many big trips in 2011. We spent Thanksgiving in Wichita and finished the remodel for our upstairs/guest bathroom.
Sarah headed to Des Moines to host a baby shower for her dear college friend, Sarah. We also went to another Chiefs game and spent Christmas in Iowa. No NYE party this year. (We decided against it after being up late on the 30th for the 9pm start Iowa bowl game.) However, we look forward to ringing in the New Year with each other, our dog, and a
I swear, the years just keep getting better and better. This time of my life is, by far, my fave!! I have no doubt that next year will be the best yet! Happy New Year everyone! Best wishes for 2012!