Happy Friday! It's an especially happy Friday for me because I took the day off of work to join the boys and their daycare at Sesame Street Live! But the best part--they are spending before and after at daycare, so I have a few free hours to myself!
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Did you know about this?? It's like March Madness for Bachelor fans!! A co-worker tuned me in to this website, and I must say, it's a whole lotta fun! I'm competing on two leagues - one with my neighbor girls and one with some blogger friends! You fill out a bracket--either one before the premier of The Bachelor (similar to March Madness) or there's an option to select girls week-by-week, which is how my leagues are set up. You earn points each week by picking girls who make it through to the next round! I think I'm in second place in our neighbor league and third place in the blogger league! I love The Bachelor anyway, but this definitely adds an element of fun!
Did you know about this?? It's like March Madness for Bachelor fans!! A co-worker tuned me in to this website, and I must say, it's a whole lotta fun! I'm competing on two leagues - one with my neighbor girls and one with some blogger friends! You fill out a bracket--either one before the premier of The Bachelor (similar to March Madness) or there's an option to select girls week-by-week, which is how my leagues are set up. You earn points each week by picking girls who make it through to the next round! I think I'm in second place in our neighbor league and third place in the blogger league! I love The Bachelor anyway, but this definitely adds an element of fun!
Speaking of The Bachelor, I may or may not have driven by a local Bachelor couple's house last weekend. And they may or may not have been in Mexico tying the knot at that exact moment (which I later learned)! And the wedding may or may not air on ABC on Valentine's Day! Do you know who I'm talking about yet? Anyway, their house is only 10 minutes from mine and since I haven't spotted either one of them out and about around town, I took matters into my own hands. P.S. I swear I'm not a stalker.
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For my birthday a couple of weeks ago, Craig got me this Mobi Eyefi Wireless SD card. It basically allows you to take pictures on a big camera and transfer them wirelessly to your device for easy social media sharing. I haven't used it tons, but I did complete the set up process (SO EASY!), tested it out, and fell in love! What a genius idea! I'm so glad I won't have to take double photos (one on camera, one on phone) for special occastions or be forced to use the computer as my middle man!
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I've got a really great giveaway in the works. It starts with Mag and ends with Formers. Stay tuned for that!
I've got a really great giveaway in the works. It starts with Mag and ends with Formers. Stay tuned for that!
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Don't forget about our Foodie for a Year link up THIS TUESDAY! Get in those kitchens and whip up something red, something pink, something heart-shaped, or perhaps just a favorite Valentine meal shared between you and your significant other! Can't wait to see those recipes!
Don't forget about our Foodie for a Year link up THIS TUESDAY! Get in those kitchens and whip up something red, something pink, something heart-shaped, or perhaps just a favorite Valentine meal shared between you and your significant other! Can't wait to see those recipes!
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Speaking on Valentine's Day, it's just around the corner! The hubs and I are not big Valentine's celebrators, but that doesn't mean we can't make it fun for our kids! I was lucky enough this year to get to participate in a blogger Valentine exchange and the boys have been loving the small packages in the mail every day! After opening each package, Brantley usually exclaims, "I want more Balentines." Although, to him, I think "Balentines" equate to candy.
Also, here are a few of my favorite Valentine ideas straight from Pinterest. Coincidentally, they all revolve around my favorite beverages!
Speaking on Valentine's Day, it's just around the corner! The hubs and I are not big Valentine's celebrators, but that doesn't mean we can't make it fun for our kids! I was lucky enough this year to get to participate in a blogger Valentine exchange and the boys have been loving the small packages in the mail every day! After opening each package, Brantley usually exclaims, "I want more Balentines." Although, to him, I think "Balentines" equate to candy.
Also, here are a few of my favorite Valentine ideas straight from Pinterest. Coincidentally, they all revolve around my favorite beverages!
Valentine Wine Labels | DIY Sharpie Mug | Valentine Beer Labels | Love You a Latte Gift Idea
If you're looking for more Valentine ideas, check out the motherload on this Pinterest board! Some other bloggers and I have been pinning like crazy and we'd love for you to check it out!
If you're looking for more Valentine ideas, check out the motherload on this Pinterest board! Some other bloggers and I have been pinning like crazy and we'd love for you to check it out!
Have a great weekend!
Linking Up With:
Momfessionals and A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites
September F A R M for Oh, Hey Friday
A.Liz Adventures for Five on Friday