Thursday, October 27...a life-changing day. Here's why...
Look close, really close!!
Yep, there's a baby (rather a blastocyst according to growing inside me! I'm going to be a mom! Whoa--we're going to be PARENTS!
I took a test yesterday morning, but only saw one line, so I thew it away! For some reason, I decided to check it again after my shower. Sure enough, there was a REALLY faint second line!! I immediately started shaking due to the amount of shock! I had just taken a test 3 days earlier (I'm impatient) and it was negative. I'd given it about a 10% chance. Low and behold, there WAS a second line on that stick yesterday morning! I called the hubs (he had JUST left for work about 5 minutes prior!) and he was ecstatic! (I know, I should have done something more special, but I couldn't wait!)
The rest of the morning/school day was a blur. I could not focus on anything, but my life-changing news! I even attempted making coffee without the water! That's how frazzeled I was! (Don't worry, I double checked and 1 cup of coffee/day is a-okay!) And I could not stop looking at the picture of my test and that wonderful second little line.
After school, I stopped by CVS and purchased another test...the digital kind. There's no guessing with a digital test. It either reads PREGNANT OR NOT PREGNANT. Waiting those 3 minutes while the hourglass was flashing was torture! But a second opinion is always nice. And the second opinion confirmed our happy news!
I can't even begin to tell you how excited we are! And happy. And anxious. And nervous...specifically for the labor part. Yikes. But mostly just super excited!
I can't wait to begin telling people! This is definitely the biggest secret of my life!!! And I'm not the best secret keeper! (I.e. last year, Craig and I exchanged Christmas gifts 2 weeks early because we couldn't wait any longer!) Of course, I'm already plotting how to surprise our families in a clever way! Stay tuned...
I'm praying to God that everything goes well and that I will have a smooth, stress-free, easy pregnancy. Of course, I'm expecting the worst, but also remaining very hopeful! I'm also praying for a very healthy baby boy or girl.
It'll still be awhile before my first doctor visit. When I was there for my annual appointment a few weeks ago, she suggested we wait until week 8 or 9. I was 4 weeks yesterday, which means Baby Sides (whoa, weird!) will be here towards the beginning of July. suggests a July 3 to 5 due date
I've been anxiously awaiting this period of my life. I'm going to try and blog regularly about my experience and weekly updates. I'm sure some day it will mean a lot to look back on it all!
Here's my first weekly update:
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How Far Along: 4 weeks
Size of Baby: A poppyseed
What's Happening:
The baby's neural tube, the building block of his spine, brain and backbone, is already formed!
How I'm Feeling:
So far, so good! I feel nothing different--no nausea, no exhaustion, no symptoms whatsoever! I'm nervous about "morning sickness" in my near future. I have a feeling my kids will start to suspect something if I have to run to the bathroom often!
Best Moment This Week:
Clearly, seeing the positive result! :) Here is a pic we took the night of finding out!