How Far Along: 24 weeks
Size of Baby: ~12 inches, just over a pound; the size of an ear of corn
Gender: BOY
Weight Gain: Yikes...I've eaten so much lately with the holidays and all. I'm already dreading getting on that scale at my doctor's appointment on Friday...
Food Cravings: Nothing specific, but lots of sweets and desserts.
Food Aversions: Still not in the cooking-mood, but nothing has been a true aversion.
Movement: Feeling my stomach jump and thump from the outside.
Sleep: Sleeping great.
Clothing: Still squeezing into my pre-prego jeggings. Thank goodness for this one pair of jeggings...but I wear them about five days per week! I ordered a few new pairs of maternity jeans from Old Navy...waiting on them to arrive and crossing my fingers that they work!
Other Pregnancy Symptoms: Heartburn/acid reflux was in full force for a few days around Christmas. Pepcid and Tums, galore! But surprisingly, I haven't felt it since!
What I Miss: Nothing specific this week.
Best Moment: Christmas was pretty fantastic.
Looking Forward To: Saying hello to 2014 later tonight!