I never expected some of the reactions I have gotten. Especially from the boys.
Here's one email I received (from a boy) the night after telling my students...
Hey Mrs. Sides it's ******. I know you are going through a difficult time, and i just wanted to let you know that little Jamal is in my prayers and that what you said today in class didn't go to waste. You're a very strong woman judging from the two years I've had you, and I have no doubt that you can pull through this.
(Side note: The hubs used to call the baby Jamal. I told this particular class that and now they always refer to him by that name.)
Yesterday, as I was getting ready to head home, another student (again a boy) brought me this.
A nice little basket full of cookies and a "Thinking of You" card. SO. SO. SWEET. I'm sure his mom had a large part in this, but that means the student told his mom about my situation first.
Things like this remind me how much I love my job and how lucky I am to work with the kids I do. :)

Ok. That is too precious! So sweet!! Brought tears to my eyes - you Sides are truly blessed!