But I especially love the shopping. The hustle and bustle of holiday cheer and the excitement of finding the perfect gift for that special someone. I love getting gifts, but I love giving gifts even more!
For the first time ever, I did 95% of my Christmas shopping online. And because it's such a momentous occasion (or at least a huge change from years past), I feel the need to blog about it! :) I thought for sure that online Christmas shopping would feel less satisfying, less festive, and overall just less fun. But surprisingly, somehow, it did not! There were no lines, no Black Friday crazies, no parking lots, no traffic, and no getting bundled up to go out in the cold to deal with! Just me, my laptop, and a credit card. If you were on my list this year, you better believe your gift was ordered from the comfort of my couch, while under a blanket, with the space heater next to me. While sipping some {non-alcoholic} wine.
Shipping, you ask? Didn't pay a single penny! Between Amazon Prime, our Target redcard, and online promos, everything arrived on our doorstep at no additional charge. Free, fast, and convenient. Now, that's some holiday cheer, if you ask me!
Happy 8 days until Christmas!

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