More than likely, we have a name for Baby Boy #2. I have come to accept that our kids will not all share the first letter :(, but luckily I really like our non-B name, as well! We've shared with some friends and family, but I wouldn't say anything is official and I'm not sure I'm ready/willing to announce to the world just yet. I'm not one that can refer to Baby by his name until he is born anyway, and I always think, What if...we find something else we like better? I don't want to set anything in stone quite yet and want to keep our options open!
How Far Along: 22 weeks
Size of Baby: ~11 inches, 1 pound (big milestone = measuring in pounds now, not ounces!)
Gender: BOY
Weight Gain: About 14 pounds...after a cookie exchange on Saturday and cookie decorating party on Sunday and three deliveries of cookies from students, I think I've eating about two dozen cookies in the last few days. Go ahead and judge me...
Food Cravings: I tried a pomegranate last weekend and wanted them again this weekend. But I still wouldn't call it a craving...
Food Aversions: None. Though cooking hasn't been appealing to me lately. Which usually leaves us scrambling for dinner at the last minute.
Movement: No changes here.
Sleep: Sleeping really well lately!
Clothing: The same - 90% maternity clothes. Sqeezing my belly and butt into a few pre-prego jeans still.
Other Pregnancy Symptoms: My hands are starting to feel carpel tunnel-ish in the mornings once again. It's hard to sqeeze the toothpaste from the tube and hold my toothbrush. They also feel swollen, but my wedding ring still fits.
What I Miss: Nothing in particular this week.
Best Moment: Continuing to clear out the guest bedroom. It's almost empty, closet and all!
Looking Forward To: Being at home for two full weeks with my babe (and hopefully hubby), the holidays, traveling to Iowa, and beginning Brantley's new room!
You can judge the fact that I ate two dozen cookies, but don't judge my sweater. It was ugly sweater day at school today. |
Too cute not to share - Brantley decided to photo bomb my weekly photo shoot! |

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