After being on antibiotics for 14 days, it appears our little guy developed quite the rash (or yeast infection according to doc) on his little booty. Poor guy screams bloody murder every time we wipe him. :( We've used Lotrimin for over a week now with no improvement, so after a quick call to his pediatrician yesterday, he is now on his first prescription medication (diflucan, 1/2 teaspoonful once per day). Luckily, it's orange-flavored and he seems to like it, but it was definitely an experience trying to administer the med (via syringe) last night. Good thing it was inexpensive because part of it ran out the side of his mouth and down his cheek. I can only imagine the frustration if it was a crazy-expensive drug!
Today, we're (well, not
we're...I promise) hanging out in our birthday suit, as suggested by my pharmacist friend (and mommy of two), Casey. We're already on towels three and four, as he dropped quite the load on one and two. :) (Gross--I have NO idea why anyone would want to use cloth diapers!) We are also taking a break from wipes. Only a warm wash cloth for his sore, little tushy. We might even try sunbathing for a few minutes this afternoon. Casey swears this works, too.
B-Man sure has been through a lot in his short, little life. I kind of wonder when the problems might stop...but my guess is never now that we have a baby!
Sans diaper |
Trying to avoid showers of pee |
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