First of all, I'm nearly 2 cm dilated (not much progress there in the past three weeks*), but 70% effaced (HUGE progress)! Our doctor also mentioned that Baby is very low and has definitely dropped. She was very happy with the progress my body has made on it's own and said things are looking great!
In addition, she "stripped my membranes", a very unpleasant experience (ouch!) which often leads to labor. Who knows--maybe Baby will arrive this weekend! Yikes!
If he decides to be stubborn (like his daddy) and doesn't show up in the next seven days, we have an official induction date! That's right--an appointment at Shawnee Mission Medical Center to induce!! The end is in sight!!
The induction is scheduled for next Friday (as in a week from today!) at 7am! Baby Boy Sides could very well be in my arms in one week!! Or...I could be in utter pain and misery at this time next week, as well. (Let's hope not...hello epidural).
So a scheduled induction before my due date! Lucky me! I think she feels comfortable doing this because of the progress my body has made on it's own. That, and perhaps the unbearable heat has something to do with it, as well? Oh, and the fact that she'll be there that day. Regardless of the reason, I'm so happy and excited!
Here's proof.
So there you have it! We are having a baby SOON!
I can't wait to see what he looks like, hold him in my arms, and of course, share his name with all of you!! The secret's been killing me...
Stay tuned for updates! I'm guessing the big news will appear first on Facebook, but I'll try to update this blog ASAP after his arrival!
Happy weekend!
*I'll take 2 cm with no pain and/or contractions! That means I'm 20% there and haven't even felt one contraction!

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