I feel like a ticking time bomb these days. When are the contractions going to start and when is Baby Sides going to make his big debut?! Last week was a super productive week for this mama-to-be and I can honestly say now that I'm ready. Physically. Mentally. Just ready. My hospital bag is even packed and ready to go! Of course, it doesn't really matter if I'm ready. He'll come when he's ready...but any day now, Baby B, is okay with me! :)
We had another doctor's appointment last Friday. She didn't check me, but mentioned that she probably will this coming Friday at 38 1/2 weeks. I'm anxious to see if I've dilated any further. She also mentioned inducing me if I make it to my July 9 due date and still no baby. Not because I'm miserable and not because the baby is larger than normal, but because she would like to be the one to deliver our baby (because of the hydrocephalus issue) and if it's a planned labor/delivery, she can schedule it when she'll be there. Otherwise, if it's not during normal business hours and she's not the physican on-call, there's no guarantee she will be there. (But she did say she will make every effort to come to the hospital despite being on call or not. What a great doc!)
The to-do list is pretty much complete and I'm feeling great about bringing a baby into this world! I dusted and vacuumed today. Something that {sadly} doesn't happen as often as it should in our house. And I just finished another masters class! Only two more to go...EVER...and the next one (an easy elective) starts on July 9! Seriously, I'm ready for baby!
5) Order new tubes/supplies for breast pump. (Not really worried about this. Assuming breast feeding will go well and I won't need to pump for awhile...and if not, I'll figure it out.)
8) Figure out which is a better deal - diapers/wipes from Amazon Mom or Costco. Got some tips from friends...again not really worried. We'll figure it out.
9) Long term sub plans. I just can't work until I'm under pressure...which means I probably won't start these until August. :)
How Far Along: 38 Weeks
Size of Baby:
A pumpkin
What's Happening (according to thebump.com):
Baby Sides is slowly shedding the white goo on his skin (called vernix caseosa).
The same...still feeling body parts protrude through my skin (though I still can't distinguish which parts) and I have felt baby hiccups a few more times!
I used to love bedtime. I can't really say I feel the same anymore. Ugh. Sleeping is un-com-for-table!! I roll from one side to the other (not easily either) all.night.long. And I wake up to hands/arms that are completely asleep/numb.
Still loving my summer wardrobe. And SO glad I'm on summer vacay and don't have to dress up every day!
Other Pregnancy Symptoms:
Swelling, acid reflux, and the carpel-tunnel like symptoms are back.
Here's the baby bump! And here's to hoping this is the last picture! (I'm not going to count on it though...)
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