Dear Santa, Love Brantley & Holden

This year, the boys have very similar Christmas lists.  At 2 and 4 years old, they have very similar interests - mainly sports, sports, sports - and Holden just wants to do anything and everything his older brother does!  Brantley definitely has a few opinions as to what he wants Santa to bring him, but I also had fun scouring the Internet for some ideas, too!

Franklin Sports Indoor Hockey Set - Like I said, sports, sports, sports!  I have no idea how either kid even knows much about hockey, but both do and both are obsessed.  This indoor hockey set has great reviews...though I think I may mandate it's a basement-only indoor toy in our house!

Youth/Toddler Golf Club Set - Again, any and all things-sports = two happy boys.  Nothing seems cuter than a toddler-sized set of golf clubs, am I right?!

Play Canvas Teepee - This is one toy I might not mind hanging around our dining room 24/7.  Ummmm...cute!  And I can only imagine how much fun it could provide in the coming winter months.  Not to mention, Brantley just finished a Native American unit at preschool!  Perhaps this will be their big Santa gift??

"Big" Socks - Funny story...we got "Boo'ed" (Halloween style) this year by some neighbors.  Included in our "boo" goodies were calf-high Halloween socks.  Brantley adores his and wants to wear his "big socks" all. the. time.  You know, because that's what the soccer players wear.  So instead of sporting his pumpkin-themed "big socks" come February, he needs a few new pairs.  These are definitely the dump-truck-puzzle of gifts this year (i.e. the gift he's going to be most disappointed if he doesn't get!).

3-in-1 Sports Net Set - Again, sports.  And three-in-one: volleyball, badminton, and tennis.  It's a no-brainer!

Goodnight Hockey Book - We have the baseball and football versions of this book and the boys love both of them!  They have a nice rhyme/rhythm to them and even I secretly love when they choose those books at bedtime!  I imagine this hockey version is no different!

Football Guys - Although toys with multiple small parts can be beyond annoying (#alloverthefloor), these mini Iowa Hawkeyes are just too cute to pass up! 

Yumbox - Although we're not yet to the point of taking lunches to school everyday, I love these compartmentalized lunch boxes!  And love that it's a more practical gift than another toy.

Melissa & Doug Scissor Skill and Tape Activity Books - I think both boys would enjoy these scissor and tape activity books.  And they might allow for 30 minutes 10 minutes of quiet time, which may be necessary with a new baby.  Plus Melissa and Doug!!  (I think they'd really like this reusable sticker book, too!)

Iowa Baseball Cap - Both boys have outgrown their Iowa Hawkeye baseball caps and they are not easy to find in KC.  Sounds like the perfect gift for one of our Iowa family members!

Gas Out Game - Have you guys seen this??  Brantley found it at Target last month and insisted we buy it as a birthday gift for a daycare friend.  Needless to say, it was a pretty big hit at the birthday party--and neither Brantley nor Holden could get enough of the fart noises before we wrapped it for the birthday boy.  And since I'm a #boymomforlife, I went ahead and bought one - the one and only gift I have purchased at this point!

Youth Sleeping Bag - Though we've never been camping as a family, it's something we've always talked about doing.  Whether we go legit camping or camping in our backyard, a sleeping bag is a good {practical} gift that would be nice to have in the years to come!

Youth Fishing Pole - My dad's #1 hobby is fishing...and we live caddy corner from a lake.  Obviously the boys need their own fishing poles for fishing trips with Papa and/or Daddy.  This one can be used to catch real fish, sponge fish, or just practice casting.

Superhero Capes - We sent these superhero capes to our partner in the Summer Birthday Gift Exchange last summer...and then I promptly added them to the boys' Christmas lists!  They are adorable and with three boys, I have a feeling they would get lots of good use!

So there you have it!  A few ideas for our boys...and who knows, maybe some ideas for the sports-obsessed toddler in your life!  I'll be back later this month sharing my own Christmas list...and giving away a pretty significant gift card with a handful of other bloggers.  Stay tuned...


  1. Great gift ideas! You'll have very happy boys on Christmas morning with those goodies. Superheroes are a huge fav in our house, so capes are a must. :)

  2. Such great ideas! I love all the sports stuff but I always wonder whether or not to get for Christmas since it's freezing here until May lol! But singe my kids have summer birthdays I am definitely adding some to their Amazon wish lists!

  3. I totally have a Yumbox on Sadie's wishlist too! And the Melissa & Doug tape book is great - we bought it months ago and Sadie still pulls it out.

  4. Such s great list! My boys use their golf club set & teepee a ton. The football guys are on the list as are fishing poles. I only wish it would be easier to use them right away.

  5. Fun stuff, I always love getting ideas for Tyson and our 4 nephews..!! :)

  6. I want a teepee for the girls SO BAD!! But they already own 3 pup tents so it may not be in the cards ;)

  7. Love those capes! Stella I think would actually use them the most in our house! ;) We just bought sleeping bags and the kids are loving them. Now we just need to actually go camping. ha.

  8. What a fun list! Mason has given me one thing he wants...ONE!

  9. Your list reminded me that I wanted to look for a small backyard soccer net for Connor. I think he would LOVE to play with it when the warm weather heads back our way.
