The Birthday Post

Happy Friday, friends!  Today may just be another Friday (in January...blah) for most people, but for me, it's my BIRTHDAY!  33 whopping years, but according to my students, I don't look a day over 25.  And you know what they say--33 is the new 23, isn't that right?!

In honor of my special day, how about a fun (read: embarrassing) birthday post?  Oh, you're on board?  I thought so. :)

First, a few facts about my birthday.

1 | I share a birthday with Martin Luther King Jr.  Most people are unaware of his actual birthday, but January 15 it is!  I especially love it because it always means a 3-day weekend on or near my birthday.

2 | My birthday was supposed to be in late February.  I don't know my mom's actual due date, but I do know that I came six weeks early!  January, February, tomato, tomahto.  Both months rank at the bottom of my list.

3 | My birthday is exactly three weeks after Christmas and two weeks after New Years Day.  Can you believe we're already that far beyond the holidays??

  And now for the embarrassing part.  I dug up some old photos.  Let me preface this by saying I wasn't as dorky as I appear.  Promise.  And just a reminder, perms were all the rage in the 90s.  As were bad bangs.  Bad, bad bangs.  Don't judge.

First up, my seventh birthday.  The year was 1990.  I don't know what on Earth was wrong with my face/eyes/smile.  (Mom??)  Cool cake, ugly kid.

Next, my eighth birthday (1991).  I see my appearance improved oh so slightly.  1990 must have been good to me.

I had a small birthday party with my closest {2nd grade} friends.  I'm not sure why I'm not in the picture.  I was probably mad my sister got to be in it so I refused.

 Next, my ninth birthday (1992).  This was the year I began baton lessons, so naturally my cake had a baton twirler on it.  See the fro, I mean, perm??

My party with my friends.  That's me (in the middle - with the tight-rolled jeans) and my {third grade} besties in this horribly-taken photo.

Tenth birthday is next (1993).  And yes, that is a troll on my cake.  #trollcollector

Friend party, complete with cheerleading pyramids. 

For my 12th birthday (1995), my parents rented a hotel room in our hometown and I finally got to have the "pool party" I so desperately wanted all my life!

(I sort of love the shirt I'm wearing in this photo below.  Vintage baseball tee?  Yes, please!)

It also appears I got a bike that year.

(Does that remind anyone of anything??)

I found these pictures from my 13th birthday.  I don't have much recollection, but holy brace face!!

It was between 1995 and 1997 (below) that I found my lifelong besties.  These are the ones in my selfie stick post just last week!  We had this weird thing in middle school where we'd eat birthday cake without out hands. #WHY????  Please also note the Mt. Dew cans.  We were die-hard fans.  #gross  This was my fourteenth birthday, by the way.

More 14th birthday photos.  Penguin cake and penguin beanie baby.  I had a thing for penguins.  #andihadawinniethepoohshirt #winning

Next up, my 15th birthday (1998).  I was a freshman that year.  Looks as if I had a sleepover with my besties.

And...get this....we put together a freakin' puzzle!!!  #DORKS 
(Would you believe I was asked to Prom by a senior just three short months later??)

Fast forward a year.  For my 16th birthday, my parents rented a hotel room {again}.  This time, in Iowa City.  We shopped, hot tubbed, and ice skated.  Nothing says sweet 16 quite like ice skating, huh?

I can't find any pictures from my seventeenth birthday except for this.

My 18th birthday was nothing special.  I was on the drill team and we performed at the basketball game that night.  Pretty sure we danced to the Charlie's Angels theme song.

For my 21st birthday, I did the typical 21 pitchers on your 21st thing.  The only unfortunate part was that it was still Christmas break and a lot of friends were still at home.

For my 30th birthday, I rounded up some of my best girl friends (in KC) and did one of those painting parties.

And that concludes my birthday recaps.  I hope I didn't embarrass any of my friends as much as I did myself. ;) 

Tonight I'm headed to Top Golf with my hubby and some of the best neighbors around.  Happy Friday and cheers to year 33!


  1. Such great memories & I am sad to report that I too looked very similar with the permed hair, bad bangs & braces around the same time (I'll be turning 35 in less than three weeks).

    Happy Birthday! :)

  2. Happy birthday, Sarah!!! The "cute cake, ugly kid" made me LOL at my desk. Also, that hair on your 9th birthday. HAHA!!! Love looking at old photos like these and thinking back to my own.


  3. Happy birthday! Loved looking back at all these throwback photos.

  4. Happy Birthday! You share the day with my mommy :)

  5. Wow, the cake eating with no hands, forgot about that!! Loved all the pics! Cheers to great memories, friends, and many more birthdays! Love you!

  6. What a great post- love that you dug up all these old photos too!!! Hope you had a great day and great time celebrating!!!!

  7. I love the birthday recap! Hope you had the best weekend!!

  8. Oh I love all the old pictures! I too had some pretty massive bangs that started so far back; however, my mom would never let me perm my hair (bless her)!

  9. OMG, I'm dying!!!!!! I will have to find a picture, but I'm pretty sure we looked like the exact same person in 1997...although I didn't have a Winnie the Pooh sweatshirt, so you win! But I was a #trollcollector. We were seriously meant to be friends!!!

  10. Happy belated birthday! Our birthdays are 3 days apart (mine is the 18th). I am loving all of these old photos. And I have a photo just like the pyramid one with my friends and sister. We are wearing pretty similar clothes and we are all sporting sunburns! ha.
