I'm a bit nervous. Not because I don't think I can handle it. I mean, getting up at the butt crack of dawn all week will be rough. But I'll manage. What I can't handle is the possibility of being sick. Yet again.
You see, my parents visited this past weekend. They left today, 24+ hours after they had planned to leave because my mom had a terrible go around with the flu. Like so bad she ended up in the ER. I'm not sure what I'd do if I got it. No hubs = no help. I've been spraying Lysol like it's my job and keeping my fingers crossed that somehow, someway both Brantley and I escape the awfulness of it. Ugh.
I'm also hoping for a snow day (two would be even better) later this week. The forecast is predicting snow and ice. "The worst winter storm in two years," says the meteorologists. Surely, we'll have a snow day, right? I'm already counting on it. Fingers crossed again.
How about some pictures from the {first part of the} weekend before my mom was horribly sick? Brantley was happy to spend some quality time with his Gramma and Papa Fritz!

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