I'm trying to take advantage of the quiet time. I cleaned a bit. Organized some. Watched DWTS. Tutored. Went to the eye doctor. And now catching up on the blog.
Did I mention, I finished my portfolio project?! Woo hoo! A whole 39 hours before the deadline. That's pretty good for this procrastinator! Now I just have three more weeks of my last class and then I'll be done with homework for good. For life. I. Can't. Wait.
Alright, on to the purpose of this post. Our Thanksgiving recap. This year was our year with my family in Iowa. We spent Thanksgiving day with my mom's side. My sister and brother-in-law hosted. Though that side of the fam is the smaller side, we definitely enjoyed ourselves. Lots of great food and a pretty interesting Game of Things. Things I learned. Never play with your dad. And always play with Craig. His answers were hilarious.
Meanwhile, Brantley and Kellen enjoyed their time together and played on the floor for hours.
On Friday, we hung out at my parents' house, watched the Iowa game, and went to the town square Christmas lighting. It's no Plaza lighting, but it's pretty big time for the small town of Fairfield, Iowa. Friday is when the weather decided to get cold. Like 30-degree cold. Colder with the wind. But we braved the chilliness for some festiveness.

Saturday was also my dad's 55th birthday. Check out these cupcakes I decorated! (Inspiration from Pinterest.) Little fishing poles (pretzels) with {gold} fish and a pond of blue water (frosting). Happy birthday, Dad! Glad we got to spend the day with you!
Saturday night was Thanksgiving #2 with my dad's side. Hosted by my aunt and uncle. My dad has 7 siblings. There are 17 grandkids and 7 great grandkids. My point being - get-togethers can be pretty loud. Since I didn't think to get a family picture on Thanksgiving day, I got a belated one on Saturday night.
We left early Sunday morning and arrived home by 11:30. We spent the afternoon Christmas shopping! And boy was it fun shopping for our baby's first Christmas! The sweet, little guy slept right through the toy aisle and had no idea his gifts were mere inches from him in the cart. :)
Oh, one more blog-worthy item from the long weekend. Brantley has his first taste of rice cereal! He was a champ! Even open and closed his mouth for the spoon! I'm not sure how much was actually digested, but it was a good start. Here are the pics!
And a few more pics of the little man in Iowa.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! For me, the Christmas {break} countdown is on!

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