Happy Black Friday! Any crazies out there that went shopping in the wee hours of the morning? Not I! It's not worth it to me. The stress, the rudeness, the impatience, the pushing and shoving. That's how I imagine it anyway. I've actually never been early-morning Black Friday shopping! Shopping on Black Friday? Yes. But at normal times of the day. When the crazy crowd is back home in bed. I don't think we're going this year though. Instead we'll stay home (parent's home) and watch the Iowa football team
play try to play get killed. Did I just say that? It's been a pretty ugly year. I'm convinced that even KU would beat Iowa, despite a new coach and QB versus Iowa's coach and QB that have been around for multiple years. Sad.
Anyway, here are my photo dumps. I made a conscious effort to take more
this week. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Top: Big Boy can {sort of} hold bottles himself | First experience with rice cereal
Middle: Napping on the couch | Paper writing en route to Iowa | H&M Babe
Bottom: Daddy's alma mater played Mommy's and I decided to root for Daddy's team (good thing, they won) | Helping with lights | Just made the switch to a stomach sleeper
Top: Hubs putting up Christmas lights | Nice Saturday night
Bottom: O'Christmas tree | Countdown is ON | Well done, hubs
I love baby cardigans, I started making my own :)