Well, not quite. But in 12 short hours, we'll be cruisin' somewhere through the Midwest en route to our final destination of Greenville, South Carolina.
We're excited.
Our first big road trip as a couple. Our first road trip with a baby.
Oh yeah...and we're also taking our dog!
A family vacation, if you will. :)
Crazy? Perhaps.
Greenville is about 15 hours from here. That I am not excited about.
But I am excited for our mini vacay. And for my cousin's wedding, which is the reason we're going. And to wear my new, yellow bubble necklace. And to see my parents. And to introduce Brantley to his great grandparents, great aunt and uncle, and second cousins. Fun stuff!
Check out this sweet thing we got for our car.
Despite an SUV, we were worried about fitting everything. Babies need a lot, ya know! I thought packing was stressful before...now I have to worry about a breast pump, baby formula, and diapers among a million other baby "goods"! And I haven't even started yet. I've been too focused on my long term sub plans...which are finally done...and the last week of my master's class. That's done, as well! (Which means one measly class to go!)
Speaking of sub plans, I finalized them with HR yesterday. I'm not going back until October 22! Woo hoo! Taking off one entire quarter to spend with my little man! The control freak in my has been freaking out about leaving everything perfect for my sub. And of course, not being there to set the tone with my classes.
But now that my laptop has been turned over to my sub, I'm done with work and done worrying about it.
Alright, better go start packing. Follow my Instagrams if you want picture updates of our trip!
But first, a special happy 4th birthday to my first "baby", Kinnick! We love you, little K-dog!

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