The Liebster Award

Another day, another "award"!  The fact that these are called awards makes me laugh, but they are super fun to do, so I suppose I'll oblige.  A big thank you to the two bloggers who nominated me: Marette at Floradise and Leslie (pronounced with an S, not a Z) at This is for Keeps.  I'm flattered to know that each of you enjoy my blog so much--both of yours are two of my new favorites!

Both bloggers asked 11 questions and many that were different, so I'll do my best to combine and answer most of them!

Why did you start blogging?  How long have you been blogging?
Easy--I wanted to document our lives!  I had seen pregnancy blogs and I knew I wanted to do that when the time came, so instead of waiting until I got pregnant, I started this blog about four months into our marriage.  Besides, I needed a new hobby since my time was no longer spent thinking about all-things-wedding.  I've been blogging since fall 2010, so 5 1/2 years!

What topics do you like to blog about?
Since my life revolves mainly around being a mom, most of my posts are about motherhood or my kids!  It's easy to write about the things you love so much!  I also love sharing recipes, clothes, recaps of our days, and recommendations to others.

Which is your favorite post of those that you've written?
Oh gosh, I have no idea!  I love looking back on vacation posts and I love the boys' birth stories (B | H), but this one is also sticking out quite vividly in my mind.

How much time do you spend on your blog each week?
It all depends on the week and/or the month.  Some weeks, I'm lucky to spend one hour total.  Other weeks, I'll spend between 7 and 10 hours.  That's the great thing about my attitude towards blogging.  If I'm not feeling it, I just don't do it!

What blog do you read the most?
My favorite blogs to read are those written by girls I know in real life.  Brittany @ Just Another Day in Paradise, Vanessa @ Sunflower State of Mind, Jana @ Just Jana, and Erin @ The Hyde's.

How did you and your significant other meet?
The short story - we met through a chain of mutual friends while drinking all day and simultaneously curing cancer. ;)  You can find the long story here.

If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would it be?
Growing up, I always said I would live somewhere with palm trees where I could be tan year round.  And then I graduated college and started making some of those life decisions.  I realized I didn't want to venture too far from my family and quite honestly, I love the Midwest and all that it offers!  To compromise, I moved south about 5 hours (it really is warmer here!) and here I am nine years later!  So long story short, I would live right here in Kansas City.  I love this city so much.  I love the people.  Love our friends.  Love the sports.  Love the seasons.  And I love our life here!

What's your favorite room in your house and why?
This is going to be a bit of a stretch since it's not technically a "room", but I love our outdoor areas - both our covered deck and patio down below.  Our deck includes a t.v., outdoor couch & chair, coffee table, and some pretty fantastic string lights on a dimmer, while the patio houses our outdoor dining set and a toy box with all of the boys' outdoor toys.  Spending time in one of these locations on a warm day is truly my favorite!

What do you do to relieve stress?
Sleep!  Or blog.

What is your favorite social media site and why?
Easy--Instagram.  I love pictures.

What is your favorite TV show right now?
This should be of no surprise to anyone who knows me - The Bachelor!  Although it's going to be a long two months waiting for The Bachelorette to start...

What is your favorite thing to shop for?
Clothes.  For myself or for my kids.  Both are super fun!

What's one random talent you have?
I don't know how random this is, but I can twirl a baton.  I started taking lessons in third grade and twirled all through high school.

What's your favorite meal?
This is a hard one for a girl who loves to eat!  You can't beat a summertime meal on the grill - steak (with a loaded sweet potato), kabobs, or ribs (with cream cheesy jalapeno corn) are my faves!

Where would you go on vacation if money was of no object?
Just take me to a beach and I'm a happy girl.  So perhaps Fiji or somewhere exotic sounding like that? 

What was your dream job when you were in high school and/or college?
In both high school and part of college, I was dead set of becoming a pharmacist.  Although the money would have been nice, the hours are definitely not those of a teacher, so I'm glad that didn't pan out!!  However, my non-realistic dream job was to be an assistant to a celebrity (ahem, Jessica Simpson).  Currently, I think my dream job is to do something social media-related for a company (and still get summers off).  I mean, I think I'd be really good at it and who doesn't want to sit on Instagram all day?!

What was the last thing you ordered online?
Some K-cups form Amazon.  Real exciting, huh?

Tell me about your pet(s), if you have any.
We have a 7 1/2 year old miniature schnauzer named Kinnick.  He's the sweetest dog.  He loves to sleep under blankets and behind pillows and he's scared of about everything in life.  He really is the best dog (minus his schnauzer guard dog tendencies) and sadly he doesn't get much attention anymore. :(

11 Facts About Me:
1. I'm a high school math teacher.
 2. Unless it's sunny and 80 degrees, I'm probably cold.
3. I struggle to drink enough water throughout the day.
4. I graduated in the top 5% of my high school class...and then I went to college and my priorities changed significantly.
5. I love to sleep.
6. Messes stress me out.
7. Blue Moon is my favorite beer.
 8. I am really shy in new situations and around new people.  Craig tells me it comes across as rude and stuck up, but I'm really not, I swear!  It just takes me awhile to feel comfortable and be myself.
9. I always thought I'd be a girl mom.
10. My typical Starbucks order is a grande, extra hot caramel macchiato.
 11. I weigh less now than I did pre-babies. I swear having babies upped my metabolism.  Either that, or chasing kiddos is a really good workout.

And for my nominations:
Brittany @ Just Another Day in Paradise
Liz @ Chasin' Mason
Jana @ Just Jana
Erin @ The Hyde's
Vanessa @ Sunflower State of Mind
Amy @ Keeping Up with the Smiths
Mackenzie @ Baby by Oakley
Megan @ Positively Paliks
Stephanie @ Run Knit Hitched
Jamie @ The Jamies +1
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul
Staci @ Miss Bloody Mary

Here are your questions:
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. How has your blog changed through the years?
3. What is your favorite post and why?  Provide a link to it!
4. What have you learned through blogging?
5. If you could meet one blogger friend in real-life, who would you choose?
6. What is your favorite social media platform and why?
7. What was the last thing you ordered online?
8. What is your favorite place in your house and why?
9. What are you most looking forward to this summer?
10. What is the last vacation you took?
11. If you could choose another job different than what you have now, what would you choose?


If you've never heard of the Liebster award, it's an online recognition given by bloggers to other new bloggers for enjoying their work.  The intent behind it is to award awesome, new, up and coming blogs within our community.
Official Rules of the Liebster Award
Thank the Blogger that nominated you in your post and link back to their site
Display the Liebster Award logo on your blog
Answer 11 questions from the Blogger that nominated you
Tell your readers 11 random facts about you
Nominate 5-11 Bloggers with less than 1000 followers for the Liebster Awards
Ask your nominees to answer 11 questions


  1. Loved learned new things about you. My favorite beer is Blue Moon too, though there is an awesome Leigenkugel pumpkin spice beer. And I weigh less post babies than before. I think that's crazy, but I guess it just means I move more. Ha ha!

  2. Loved learning more about you. Getting water in daily is my struggle as well. I know I need to drink more of it.....but I am a diet coke addict.

  3. I love that you threw my name pronunciation in there! ;) Loved learning more about you. Messes stress me out too. Our house was always neat and organized and it's been quite an adjustment having a kid in the house. Blue Moon is so good. It's one of my favorites as well! And now I need details of this cream cheesy jalapeno corn - sounds amazing!

  4. Reading your 11 things - we have so much in common!! Loved getting to know more about you.

  5. Awwww thanks for the nom! 😂 Loved getting to know you a little more!

  6. I love that you guys cured cancer on your first date ;) I love these posts! So much good info and tidbits rolled into one.

  7. So much good stuff here! And thanks for the nomination!
    I'm not surprised you said your favorite show is the Bachelor lol. Don't forget, I think Bachelor in Paradise is on in between DWTS and the Bachelorette! Drama on an island, I can't wait!
    Also, I'm totally with you on blogging. If I don't feel it, I don't do it! Sometimes opting for tv or bed is just the better option.
    I'm also really shy in new situations! I wish I was more outgoing in the beginning, but once I get to know you, I have no problem talking :)

  8. Loved getting to know more about you and thanks for the nomination!!!!

  9. Aw thanks for the nom Sarah! I think I might actually do this that I've answered all the questions in my head already ;) I totally get the mess thing...I struggle with toys all over the floor and I'm constantly picking them up only to have them all over again 5mins later! Oh and if you love Blue Moon you should try Zon (by Boulevard)...they are bringing it "out of retirement" this spring...probably because they heard I'm in town and this was a FAVORITE beer of mine back in the day! Cheers!

  10. Thank you so much for the nomination! I actually just posted this last week! haha! I get super shy in new situations, too. I don't think you're rude. ;) So, do you really get better deals ordering K-cups from Amazon??

  11. And now I miss KC all the more. Everything about that city is great.
    Blue Moon - yes. Another top contender is Blvd wheat. Something we don't find out here very often!

  12. Loved reading this! I've been told I seem rude too, but I'm seriously just introverted! And I have RBF too...double whammy!

  13. I love these posts! Even though I feel like I know a ton about you, I think I learned a few new ones here! And I still think it's amazing that you're a baton twirler. When are we having our CC talent show?!? Also, I'll go to Fiji with you :) I can't wait to do this post next week!

  14. Thanks for the shout out lady - I loved reading yours so much - I think it's so fun to see what people thought they were going to do when they grew up - just like you, mine is TOTALLY different :) Also - I'm dreaming of a summer night with a Blue Moon and steak from the grill!!!! And tonight- while I thought I wanted to blog...I'm going straight to sleep!

  15. Congrats on the award! I loved reading your answers! XOXO
