Year in Review 2016

 Another year is in the books!  Before we turn the page to 2017, I want to look back on our 2016.  Mostly highlights but a few low lights, too, and one photo that summarizes each month of our year.  Enjoy!

We rang in 2016 with our neighbors and then celebrated my 33rd birthday at Top Golf with those same neighbors just a few shorts weeks later.

The highlight was definitely our neighborhood progressive dinner (aka my last hurrah...see March).  Low light?  Well, that would be Craig tearing his ACL while playing "old man" basketball.  Hence the crutches in the photo...

This was the month I learned about Baby Sides 3.0!  During my spring break week to be exact.  Which meant I had time to scheme something and surprise Craig when he got home from work.  And surprised he was!

Holden's turned two.  Craig also had ACL repair surgery...horrible for him, but also pretty horrible for me in my first trimester of pregnancy!  I'm certainly glad that's a thing of the past!

I finally got to announce my pregnancy to the world.  May was also the start of a fantastic summer at home with the boys!

In June, we learned Baby 3.0 would be yet another boy!  But first and foremost, we learned he was healthy after a terrifying scare with Down Syndrome.

Brantley turned 4, we celebrated our 6-year wedding anniversary, and we took a family trip to Chicago.  We had so much fun except for hand, foot, and mouth disease that decided to plague both of our boys while there.

Woo hoo, we got a minivan!  Technically, I think this was the end of July, but it's too big of a milestone not to be included!  Holden was also potty trained during August, which was a pretty big accomplishment.

September brought Brantley's first day of Pre-K - and I was excited to learn both of his teachers were from Iowa!

Lots of fall things in October, but the icing on the cake was trick or treating with the cutest pirate and his parrot!

What I thought would be baby month came and went without a baby (barely).  But we did get to enjoy our first-ever Thanksgiving at home, which I loved every minute of!

We completed our family by welcoming Mr. Rhett Kauffman into this world 11 minutes into the month of December.  Dare I say this was the best month of our entire year?

Wishing all of my friends and family and happy and healthy 2017!


  1. Love this! Looks like you all had a great year! Cheers to 2017!!

  2. Such a wonderful and sweet year your family enjoyed!

  3. Okay, I feel like I should know this, but when is your birthday? I think ours may be close. 2016 was a great year for the Sides family. So thankful I got to follow along.
