Throwback to My Prom(s)!

I mentioned yesterday that I'm attending MV's Prom this weekend.  This will be my fourth time chaperoning in my eight years at The Valley.  Last year, I had a newborn and as much as I wanted to be there to see the girls in their fancy dresses, I didn't think it was appropriate to take my breast pump to such a function. :) This year, not only am I chaperoning, but I'm taking "Party Pic" type photos!  I'm pretty excited!  Anyway, because it's Prom week at school, teachers were asked to bring in an old Prom photo of our own for a little "Guess Who" game.  The photos are displayed near the senior locker bank for students' and staff members' viewing pleasure! 

So of course, I couldn't dig through old boxes of memories without posting the throwback photos on here, too!  From left to right and top to bottom: freshman ('98), sophomore ('99), junior ('00), and senior ('01) years!  What do you think?  Am I recognizable??

In my search for old photos over the weekend, I also came upon my senior prom dress!  (It was folded in a bag because dresses with that heavy beading weren't supposed to be hung.)  So naturally, I wanted to try it on!  So I did!  And surprisingly, it still fit me!  And then, as I was prepping this blog post, I started wondering if the rest of my old prom dresses still fit, as well.  Because, if nothing else, it'd make for a fun blog post!  I dug them out of our guest bedroom closet, tried them on, and had a little fashion show--just me, my phone, and the mirror.  (Hubby is not home, remember?  I'm pretty sure he's going to think I'm crazy when he sees this post.)  Not only does each and every dress still fit me, but I almost think they look better on me now that I have some curves!  (To be fair, I'm down a bunch of weight right now.  Give me back the 10+ pounds I've dropped in recent months and I'm certain they wouldn't fit!)  And since I was trying on old dresses, of course I decided to add my wedding dress to the mix.  What a fun night this was!  Check it out! :)




  1. LOL! You dork! I'm pretty sure my prom dresses wouldn't fit, they were a tight fit then and I can only imagine how tight they'd be today.

  2. You crack me up. Can't BELIEVE you still have all those old dresses. Oh, and I think I had that same plum one!! PS - we're going to Deanna Rose when we're home in a few weeks and you MUST meet us there! :)

  3. So much fun!! I think I only have my senior prom dress anymore. But, seeing this (and once I have this kid) I'm totally going to go back to my parents and see if it - along with my wedding dress - still fit!
    Have fun at your prom!!

  4. That is hilarious! I really wish I still had mine, I'd totally go put them on! And how fun, chaperoning prom. I was totally stalking all the prom pictures last week on Facebook. Ha!
