A Special Day

I normally don't post on here to wish friends and family members a happy birthday, happy anniversary, or happy anything.  Not because I don't care, but mainly because it's hard enough to blog about everything I want to blog about, let alone all these special days in our lives.  But today, I'm going against my norm because this deserves a special post.

My high school bestie, Sarah, lives in Austin, TX.  This is the same girl that lived (and got married) in Hawaii and then moved to San Diego shortly after.  (We visited her and her hubby in San Diego a few years ago.)  Anyway, she had a precious baby boy, Adrian, back in February.  He's nearly five months old now and has yet to meet his Daddy.  That's right.  Her hubby, J.C., has been overseas for more than six months.  He missed the last few months of her pregnancy, missed the birth of his first born, and missed the first 4.5 months of Adrian's life.  All the while, Sarah rocked motherhood.  Can you imagine?  Laboring/delivering a baby sans hubby, leaving the hospital sans hubby, dealing with the stressful first few weeks of a baby's life sans hubby, tending to a hungry baby overnight--each and every night--sans hubby, washing bottles and pump parts around the clock sans hubby, keeping the house in order sans hubby.  I could go on and on and on and on.  And you know what?  I never once heard Sarah complain.  Now that is a rockstar mom!  I complained the few times Craig was out of town for work, and sometimes even when he left on Tuesday nights to play basketball for two hours.  Her husband was gone for six long months!!  Overseas, nonetheless. 

But today is the day he returns.  Today is the day he meets his precious little look-alike, Adrian.  Today is the day Sarah's been waiting for for months.  Gives me goosebumps and tears in my eyes just thinking about it!  And what's better?  Today is their 3-year wedding anniversary.  I don't think it gets any more special than that.

Sarah, you are one of the bravest and strongest mommies I know.  I don't know how in the world you did you it.  I am confident that if you could handle these last 4.5 months as gracefully as you did, you can handle pretty much anything--way more than I ever could.  You are amazing.  J.C. and Adrian are two extremely lucky guys.

I know you're not spending time on the Internet today, or maybe you are helping to pass these last few hours before hubby returns home?  Needless to say, I want to wish you guys the best anniversary ever (as if I even have to say that) and a happy homecoming to JC.  Enjoy soaking up every moment with your newly united family of three.  Can't wait for pics.  Lots and lots and lots of love, friend!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Sarah Flores definitely deserved this shout out, she is amazing and it blows my mind she did it all so gracefully too!
