Still feeling sick every couple to every few days. I guess I should be thankful it isn't every day...but that almost makes it worse. I can't figure out why some days, like this morning, are significantly worse than others. I haven't thrown up again, but sure felt like I could have on the drive to work this morning. And that was after I ate a normal, semi-large breakfast. Anywho, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'm nearing the end of this nauseousness. And hey, and maybe the extended sickness means it's a girl? :)
Big news of the week: our screening tests came back normal. My blood was tested for the fragile X, SMA, and cystic fibrosis genes. Results showed that I'm not a carrier of any of those. Additionally, the risk of having a baby with trisomy 18 is <1/5000, and having a baby with down syndrome is <1/3100. All "great news", according to the genetic counselor. I have to go back in the second trimester (oh hey, that's now!) for a few additional screenings, but so far, so good!
Still feeling about the same as in weeks past. My newest symptom - I'm hungry often. Two hours after I eat and my stomach is already growling. Baby must be going through a major growth spurt!
I'm also pretty certain I can feel the baby moving in there! Which is a huge change from my first pregnancy when I didn't feel him until 21 weeks on the dot! It's that same fluttery feeling and I've felt it a couple of times when I lay down to go to bed. Love that feeling and love that I can feel it sooner this time!
How Far Along: 14 weeks - officially the start of the second trimester!
Size of Baby: ~3 1/2 inches, about 1 1/2 ounces; the size of a lemon
Gender: Based on my recent fruit cravings, I want to say girl...but I generally crave sweet things anyway, so I don't think that means much.
Weight Gain: Same as before - about 5 to 6 pounds so far.
Food Cravings: Couldn't get enough fruit at a weekend wedding I attended. And cooked veggies earlier tonight. Healthy cravings?? Hmmm...
Food Aversions: Black coffee.
Movement: Yep! And at a record 13.5 weeks this time!
Sleep: Very normal minus peeing at least once per night.
Clothing: Still the same - about 2/3 regular clothes, 1/3 maternity. No maternity pants and no Bella Band just yet! (Even though my bump is bigger, I seem to be carrying higher than before, which makes my low-rise pants still fit. Works for me!)
Other Pregnancy Symptoms: Still nauseous every now and then. Brushing my teeth finally took it's toll and made me gag to the near point of puking on Monday. Headaches galore. Super dry skin. Super hungry in recent days.
Differences from Pregnancy #1: I remember feeling back to normal by 14 weeks in my first pregnancy. I'm still suffering from nausea every few mornings and reliant on Zofran. My baby bump is definitely more apparent, but I {somehow} still fit in my regular pants. Felt the baby around 14 weeks, as opposed to at exactly 21 weeks the first time.
Similarites from Pregnancy #1: Most things are similar. Just the few minor differences mentioned above.
What I Miss: Beer. I also miss looking forward to my morning coffee. It was always very warm and comforting, especially on these cool days.
Best Moment: Feeling the baby extra early, of course! And getting the "normal" results back from our screening tests.
Looking Forward To: November 26's gender reveal! I changed our sonogram appointment to a day sooner so we could go to a celebratory dinner that night (before traveling to Wichita for Thanksgiving)! 5 weeks to go!
(A few have asked if we're going to do a gender reveal party again. Not this time. I feel like that's a "first baby thing". However, at this point, our plan is to have the technician seal it in an envelope and we'll find out together, in a more intimate setting, at dinner later that night. So excited!!)
How about a bump picture? Thanks to the hubs for being super cooperative and taking these pictures each week! And for helping with the chalkboard. Usually they're my creations, but this time, the hubs wanted to help. That prego lady is holding a beer...
And a comparison picture...

Stumbled across your blog today and am your newest follower!!! I also am a teacher and have a 15 month old! :) congrats on baby 2!
I'm delayed in taking the time to comment and say CONGRATS on baby #2!! How exciting! I just love reading your blog and admire that you're so consistent with your updates. Good work! :)