Minus the less-than-stellar weather (rain, storms, and clouds), we had a great first Father's Day weekend! Saturday was spent at Arrowhead for the Kenny Chesney concert (a blog post in itself) and Sunday was very low-key. After allowing the hubs to sleep in, we made breakfast (fried eggs, toast, fried hash browns, and fried bacon - the breakfast of champions!), then relaxed around home for awhile. When Brantley went down for a mid-day nap, we decided to take one, too! (Trying to recover from our long day prior.)
Of course, I made Craig take some photos with the little man - similar to the ones we took on Mother's Day.
Evidence of the humidity - my camera lens immediately fogged over once outside! |
And then one with the dog, too.
When the sun finally decided to peek through on Sunday afternoon, we headed to the pool. B-Man swam with the hubs in the big pool! Made me crazy-nervous and I've decided he needs a baby life vest.
Later that night, we went to a friend's place for a yummy rib dinner. I didn't think to snap any photos though. Thanks again for cooking your own Father's Day dinner, Mark! And inviting us to help you eat it! :)
And finally, I better not forget about Craig's gifts! I couldn't wait any longer and gave them to him on Friday afternoon. Oops!
First one was a baby carrier for his bike. Craig has been talking about getting one for some time now! I was seconds away from purchasing one on Amazon for $100 when I decided to search Craigslist. Found the exact same one for $75. I even did a little negotiating and talked him down to $65! Score! I had to drive to Lansing (~40 minutes away), but I'm on summer vacay...what else do I have to do?!
Anyway, Craig loved it! Had it hooked up and Brantley inside within 30 minutes of getting it! We even took it to the pool Friday afternoon!
The second gift was homemade and more sentimental.
Can you tell what it is? Anyone?? No?? It's a framed Jayhawk made from Brantley's hand prints! I saw the idea on Pinterest long before I was pregnant and knew I had to copy it someday. Well, me being the determined person I am, I wanted to do it for Craig's first Father's Day. It may have turned out more like a Jayhawk had I waited until next year, or even the following year, but I think it's pretty darn cute - especially for an 11-month old, paint, and only one adult. And it holds a lot of sentimental value.
So there ya go! That was Craig's very first Father's Day celebration!
And before ending this blog post, I just want to say how lucky Brantley is to have such an awesome, hands-on, sweet, caring, role-model of a father. I couldn't have picked a better Daddy for him and we are both super lucky to have you! Here are just a few photos of the two of you throughout the last year!

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