Halloween 2014

Remember yesterday when I posted about how hot it was the weekend before Halloween?  Well, fast forward to the 31st, just six short days later, and the high was 45.  I think we may have topped that by about 10 degrees, and luckily it was sunny for most of the day, but it sure made for a cold night trick or treating!

This year, I wanted to dress my boys in coordinating costumes.  With Brantley being two, I figured this was probably going to be my final year to have any say on what he dressed as.  I saw the cutest Mickey Mouse costume at Babies 'R Us and since Brantley loves him some Mickey, I couldn't resist.  I then searched high and low for an infant Pluto costume, but the only thing I could find was a $90 costume on Etsy.  Thanks, but no thanks.  I decided to give up on a true Pluto costume and dressed him as "Pluto" instead.  I mean, is this not the cutest puppy you've ever seen anyway??  And Mickey...gosh, I have cute kids! :)

I'm actually surprised Brantley was so cooperative with his costume.  The few times I tried to put it on him prior to Halloween he exclaimed, "Mama, I don't like Mickey Mouse!"  Okay then.  I told him that was the only way to get candy and clearly, it must have worked. :)

This year was especially fun because Brantley actually understood what trick or treating meant.  We practiced the whole {Knock--Trick or Treat!--Thank you!} ordeal all the way home from daycare last Friday.  When it came time for his first house (our next door neighbor), he may have forgotten two of the three pieces, but definitely earned his candy for cuteness.

Daddy pulled Mickey around our neighborhood in the wagon, while I carried Holden in the Bjorn.  Holden was thankful for his cozy costume and slept through most of his first Trick or Treating experience.  And I'm not so sure everyone knew there was an actual baby in there.  No joke, I'm pretty certain some people thought it was a dog.  (A dog dressed as a dog?)

We had so much fun this Halloween and look forward to next year with two boys who will Trick or Treat!

Linking up with a couple (1 | 2) of other blogs today!

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