While my parents were in town, our neighbor mentioned that it was a free fishing weekend in Kansas. Meaning, no fishing license was required. Perfect timing. We headed to our neighborhood pond with pole in tow, hot dogs (i.e. bait) handy, and my camera ready to capture this special occasion.
Oh, I'm pretty certain Papa was in heaven. It was a proud moment, that's for sure!
Thankfully, it only took about 1.2 seconds for a fish to bite. And another 1.2 seconds to reel it in. At least for those competent fishermen (i.e. not me, apparently it's been awhile).
Nonetheless, Brantley lost interest pretty quickly.
However, he had no issues touching, holding, and tossing the fish back into the water. He's never been scared of much. A slimy, wiggly fish, for instance. That's where he differs from me.
Did I mention we got rained on? A quick spring-like shower. The boys loved it. They also loved playing with sticks and eating the hot dogs we brought for the fish.
What a fun experience for all of us! Can't wait to do it again soon!

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