I Dig You, Valentine!

Oh hey, it's the day after Valentine's Day and I'm posting about the boys' Valentines.  Apparently, that's how I roll these days.  But because I like to share and I like to make someone else's life a little easier, I don't care!  So here's a thought--you like the idea and want to use it next year?  Go ahead and pin it to your Valentines board so you don't forget next February. 😉

Anyway, I came to the realization last Friday night that Valentine's Day was just five days away and my children had nothing yet to give to their little school friends.  (Again, that's how I roll!)  While I would have loved buying those cheap little cards and having the boys sign them, the crafty, control-freak in me just couldn't do that.  (Maybe next year.)  However, Walmart did come to the rescue with their cute, pre-made, pun-worthy Valentines.

I bought a box of 10 "I Dig You" Valentines for under $2 (that included mini shovels), threw in some conversation hearts and baggies, and designed my own printable to replace their version.  Holden helped me stuff the baggies and we stapled the printout to each baggie after each boy signed his name.  Looking back, I wish I would have created the printable to fold over the top of the baggie so that the contents were visible, but I didn't and it was what it was!

What You'll Need:
White cardstock 
A color printer 
Scissors or a paper cutter 
 Individual boxes of conversation hearts
Mini toy shovels*
Snack-size baggies

*Look for a box of 10 in the pre-made Valentine section at Walmart!  Otherwise, maybe a dollar store.

 What You'll Do:

1. Download and print this free printable that includes four "I Dig You" Valentines per sheet of paper.

2. Cut length-wise at the 4.25 mark (so you'll have two columns of paper, each 4.25 x 11 inches).  Then cut each Valentine so it measures five inches from top to bottom.  Have your child sign each Valentine.

3. Place box of conversation hearts and shovel into a small baggie.  Seal baggie and staple the Valentine printout to the front.

That's it!  So easy and so cute!

Want some other DIY ideas?  Here are our old Valentines!

Valentine, You Rule
Color Your Heart Out (printable / how to)
You're a Great Catch

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