I love "First Day of School" photos. Perhaps because I'm a teacher and the first day of school is super exciting to me. This year, we experienced our first "first day". Brantley started 3-year old preschool yesterday and to say he was excited was an understatement. We've been talking about this day for
I really didn't think I'd get emotional about the experience. After all, he's attending only two days per week for three hours per day. But after scrolling through photos of last week's "Hello Day", I broke down. There's something very bittersweet about sending your first child (probably any child, really!) to school. He's growing up, there's no doubt about it, and unfortunately, big milestones are accompanied by lots of emotions for this mama.
I debated about what do do for "First Day" photos for quite some time. I mean, it' a big decision trying to decide how to handle the next 15(ish) years of first days! Initially, I planned to use some free "First Day" printables I found on Pinterest. And then, I found this sign on Etsy and I love it! I truly can't wait to compare each year in about 15 years. :)
As for what he wants to be when he grows up....yeah, a snowman. Like a real, true snowman. But to his defense, he's getting this question confused with what he wants to be for Halloween (Olaf). Whatever. It was funny so I went with it. ;)
We are lucky enough to have a daycare provider willing to transport the kiddos to and from preschool. It's amazing, really, and we couldn't ask for much more. We are also lucky in that she takes pictures and records the milestones much like I would do. She sent us a few pictures of his first day...
...and she sent this video she took soon after picking him up.
So in Brantley's own words, "I had a good day at preschool." I think it's safe to say he's excited for day two tomorrow!

So sweet, glad he loved it! And LOVE that he wants to be a snowman! :)
ReplyDeleteSuch cute pictures!
ReplyDeleteHis "I want to be a snowman" made me laugh. That's too cute!
So sweet! So glad he had a great first day!!
ReplyDeleteSO cute!!! I love that he wants to be a snowman. He's going to look back on that in 15 years and laugh. That's awesome. So great that your daycare provider drops them off at school! He/she must not have very many kids. Mason is in full day preschool now, but I wish mine would have done that.