Grad School
First off, I began my Master's classes. Like I mentioned before, I'm taking one on-campus class (Today's Learner) and one online class (Understanding Celebrity). My on-campus class is every Wednesday from 6-10pm...tonight is night #2. I was as nervous last week as a freshman entering high school! I hate new situations where you know no made me remember what the first day of school must feel like for my kiddos. Both classes seem like they will be fine, but it's a lot of reading and writing. Every time I feel like blogging, I think of all the assignments I have to do, and decide to do that instead. So be it, I guess.
End of the School Year
I have one half-day of school left before the end of the 2010-11 school year. Wow! It's gone so incredibly fast! Such mixed emotions. I will truly miss two of my six classes. The others...let's just say I'm ready for a new batch! But first, I'm ready for summer, the pool, and our trip to Hawaii! Speaking of, we leave 5 weeks from today...!!
Crawl for Cancer
We had a wonderful time at C4C this year! It was a cloudy, colder day (of course), but that didn't stop us from having fun! I'll save the pics for another post. Here's a sneak peak (and the picture that made!
Saturday Night BBQ
We had a BBQ at our place the weekend before C4C. It was perfect weather to chill outside, drink mojitos, and sit around our fire pit. Unfortunately, I was too busy running around like a chicken with my head cut off to take any photos. The only one I got was a picture of my friend Lauren's dessert creation. Aren't they cute??
The Bachelorette
Yes, I'm writing about the Bachelorette! I'm so excited it's back on t.v.! I hope this season proves to be a good one! (So far, I'm a little annoying by the amount of scripted-ness. Oh well, still pure entertainment!)
American Idol
While we're on the subject of t.v., I should mention American Idol! Such a good season it's been! Other than Jacob and the first few girls to be voted off, I've loved them all! Haley was my fave from the get-go, and I'm happy she made it to the top 3! It doesn't surprise me she got voted off. She began to cop an attitude. Tonight's the big finale! I can honestly say I don't care who wins! I love both Scotty and Lauren, but think Lauren will take home the title after that last performance last night! AMAZING!! Here's an idea--how 'bout they just tie and form a country duet?
Holy Tornadoes
It's been nearly 3 years since I've heard the tornado sirens go off here! Until Saturday, that is. Our tornado sirens went off at 11 that night. Luckily nothing happened other than a little rain and wind. I hate severe weather. Can you blame me after seeing the devastation in Joplin?? Today the sirens went off once again.......AT SCHOOL!! This was a first for me! (Surprising it doesn't happen more often!) Our poor kids had to sit in the hallway for nearly an hour and wait it out! Thank goodness we had already taken the final that block and it was just study hall. I'm really hoping the severe weather is done for awhile. I'm ready for some sun!
Wine Class
Remember that wine class I bought my hubs for Christmas? Well, we finally went! We went to the $10 vs. $100 Cabernet Sauvingnon class last Friday. It was fun and we got to try 7 kinds of wine. I'm honestly more of a beer drinker, but put 7 glasses in front of me, and I have no problem drinking it! Here's the only picture I took. I didn't want the other people thinking I was weird.
I'm sure there's more to post, but that's all I can think of right now. Besides, I need to head to class soon. I promise to update more frequently and I'll post our C4C pics soon!

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