Tough Mudder 2013

I haven't blogged much lately.  I have some posts in the works in my head, but can't seem to find the energy or motivation to actually put the words on paper on the computer screen.  I will jump back on the blog wagon soon, I promise!

In the meantime, here's a post that deserves to be written.  Over the weekend, hubby competed in Tough Mudder.  It's a 13-mile race plus obstacle course referred to as "probably the toughest event on the planet."  It requires participants to run through fire, swim through 30-degree ice water, and crawl through wires that produce electric shocks, among other seemingly crazy and dangerous obstacles.  It sounds rather miserable to me, but he was excited, so I was excited for him.  Unfortunately, I couldn't go and spectate (I co-hosted a bridal shower instead), but he successfully completed the race.  And survived.  That's probably the best news.  He didn't die. I'd be lying if I said the "I'm not interested in being a single mom" thought didn't cross my mind!

He came home and talked about it all night.  Very proud of himself, as he should be.  Way to go, hubby!  Brantley and I are proud of you and glad you made it back home to both of us!

Here's a picture I stole from one of his teammate's Facebook. 

Happy Grandparent's Day!

I'm following my cousin-in-law Karen's lead in wishing all the grandparents in our life a happy Grandparent's Day! 

First up, Grandma & Papa Fritz!  We were lucky enough to celebrate with them this weekend at a high school friend's wedding in Wisconsin!  Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics (of them), but here are a few of my faves in their new role as grandparents!

Next up, Grandma & Papa Sides.  For some reason, I don't have as many pictures of Brantley with you guys!  Note to self for the future!

And of course, we can't forget my grandparents - Brantley's great-grandparents.  Growing up, I have nothing but fond memories of both sets of my grandparents.  So many fun times spent at both of their houses.  My Grandpa Fritz passed away less than two years ago, but I'm so glad to still have the other three in my life and very thankful each has gotten to know Brantley!

Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Rominger

And finally, Great-Grandma Fritz.

I'd say Brantley is very lucky to have so many grandparents that love and adore him.  We are grateful for each and every one of you.  Happy Grandparent's Day!

Home Videos

I added a label to my blog - Home Videos.  For your viewing pleasure, you can easily watch Brantley videos to your heart's desire. :)

Here are a few recent videos of our cute kid.  (Sorry for the sideways-ness of the first one.)