
Give Me All the Target Shoes

You guys.  Have you strolled through the shoe aisles at Target lately?  If not, I highly recommend it, and if so, then you already know what I'm talking about here.  They are killing it in the shoe department this spring!   Warm weather makes me all sorts of excited about footwear anyway.  But Target this spring?  I can't even.  I wish I was rich so I could buy one of each of these.  Seriously.  In the meantime, I'll settle for the two pairs I bought last week.  I mean, it was buy one get one, after all, so I couldn't buy just one! #duh
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
5 | 6 | 7
8 | 9 | 10 | 11

Which are your favorites?

P.S. I bought #4 (in black) and #10 (in cognac).

New Specs with Firmoo

After my annual eye appointment in January, I decided I was ready for some new eye glasses. Though I rarely wear them, my old pair was a good five years old and a little outdated.

Enter the company Firmoo.

Firmoo is one of the most popular online stores for both eyeglasses and sunglasses.  They offer a wide variety of high quality eyewear at extremely affordable prices.  We're talking frames as low as $19!  How is that even possible, you ask?  Firmoo is an online store only, so they are able to escape the overhead and expenses incurred in a traditional brick and mortal store.

Online only??  Then, how in the world does one choose a pair of glasses?  Easy, with Firmoo, you have the option to virtually "try on" any pair you want!  You can either upload a photo of your face or snap a photo using a webcam.  I, of course, did both to ensure I approved of both views.  

There are so many frames to choose from - a huge selection of both styles and colors!  

It took awhile, but eventually I narrowed down my selection to about four or five pairs.  I snapped a photo of each pair and made a college to compare.  #nerdthings  Once I chose a winner, I uploaded my prescription, which was as easy as pie.  The only thing I struggled with was my PD (pupillary distance).  PD is basically the distance, in millimeters, from the center of one pupil to the center of the other.  I tried getting this measurement from my eye doctor, but apparently it's dependent upon the frames you choose??  (I'm not sure why this matter, but whatever.)  So I measured this distance myself, to the best of my ability, using a mirror and a ruler.  As suggested by Firmoo, I took the measurement three times and calculated and used the average value.

The glasses arrived in my mailbox about a week and a half later.  I was going for rounder, bigger specs, but they ended up being even rounder and bigger in person than they appeared in my virtual fitting.  I was a little unsure at first...

But I've come around and have grown to like them.  Turns out, bigger glasses are so much easier to see out of because there's a larger area to look through!  (This is the problem with my old ones.  They're narrow and I literally had to turn my head to look at whatever I wanted to look at.)

And now for the extra fun part!  Anyone out there also in the market for a new pair of specs?  Choose a pair of frames here and use the voucher code seeingallblog2 for a free pair!!  You will be required to pay shipping costs, but otherwise, the glasses will be completely free!  The voucher code is only available for the first ten people and it expires on April 18, 2016, so get on it quickly if you really want that free pair of glasses!

Disclaimer: I was gifted this pair of glasses in exchange for an honest review of the company.  All opinions are my own!

Spring Cleaning Round-Up: Organizing Your Garage

Today I am so excited to be participating in a Spring Cleaning Round-Up - a series of posts centered around spring cleaning and organization from a handful of other mommy/lifestyle bloggers like myself.  Be sure to check out the rest of the posts in this series (links below), as these girls continue to amaze me and I'm sure they have some fabulous ideas!


If our neighborhood gave an award for the most organized garage, I'm certain my husband would be a finalist.  I mean, garage organization is his jam.  And I'm happy that it is because organization has a special place in my heart, as well.  Anyway, when Sara asked for bloggers interested in collaborating on a spring cleaning post, I knew right away what to write about--garage organization--with the help of my handy hubs, of course!

My (his?) number one tip to an organized garage is this: shelves and hooks galore!  Get things off the floor!!  Hang things.  Utilize the wall space.  Make use of the overhead space.  Get a pegboard.  The more you hang, the less that clutters the garage floor, which is key to an organized garage.  We are lucky in that we have a spacious three-car garage, but these tips apply even more to smaller garages!

I've compiled some of our (his?) favorite garage organizing solutions and some photos of how we use them!

SafeRacks 4x4 Overhead Garage Storage Rack
HyLoft 45x15-Inch Slat Wall Shelf
ClosetMaid Shelf Track 4-Drawer Kit
Hang-It Yourself Home Organization 30-Piece
Steel Garage Shelving Unit (similar)
Suncast Resin Wicker 22-Gallon Storage Seat*
Suncast Resin Wicker 99-Gallon Storage Deck Box*
25-Pound Stainless Steel Hook
SafeRacks 4x8 Overhead Garage Storage Rack

*Technically we don't use those wicker storage boxes in our garage.  We have one on our deck and one on our patio and they are amazing solutions to storing even more outdoor toys.

And remember to check out the other posts in this series.  I can guarantee you will be blown away by their tips and they might just give you the motivation you need to start your spring cleaning!

One final thing--we're giving away four Mrs. Meyers variety gift buckets valued at $37 each.  We use a few of these products in our house and they smell heavenly.  Enter to win via the Rafflecopter below and good luck!

Easter Weekend 2016

As I mentioned on Friday, we spent Easter weekend in Wichita this year.  On Saturday morning, we took the boys to visit the Easter Bunny at the mall.  We hadn't had a chance to do that with Easter's early date this year, so it was the perfect opportunity.  We arrived shortly after 9am, the Bunny's start time per the mall's website, but turns out he didn't arrive until 10am.  We hung out with the rest of the mall walkers and wasted too many quarters on old gumballs, trains, and runts.

Because we had been waiting so long, we were obviously first in line, and the picture people threw in a few free Easter greeting cards.  As for the Bunny, Holden wasn't a fan.  He didn't cry, but he also wasn't thrilled to be sitting on his lap.

Later on Saturday, we went to Craig's sister Monica's house to dye Easter eggs, eat Mexican, and watch the KU game.  Craig prefers not to talk about the rest of the night (KU's loss), but the Easter egg decorating was a success!  This was Holden's first time dying eggs and he seemed to know exactly what to do, minus when he tried to drink the dye.

Yesterday, we woke to a ground covered in snow.  That's right.  SNOW.  Like 2 to 3 inches of it!  This is a picture my sister-in-law took yesterday morning at a Wichita park.  Completely insane if you ask me, especially when later in the day we were outside without coats.

Family came over around 12:45 (Brantley asked alllll morning "When are my cousins coming??"), and after lunch, the nine grandkids got their Easter baskets from Grandma and Papa.

Then we headed outdoors for an Easter egg hunt.  Again, Holden knew exactly what to do and at one point, he started fighting Brantley over an egg!

We headed home in the late afternoon and still had to celebrate our little Easter when we got there.  However, late bedtimes and a busy weekend meant for some pretty tired and cranky kids.

I bribed them with Easter candy for one decent photo on our porch.  And to my surprise, it **sort of** worked!

That takes care of our Easter weekend.  I hope everyone had a great holiday!